Mohammad Reza Mesbah is an Iranian producer, director, and Screen writer, born in 1976 and with a PhD degree in law. Mesbah was introduced into the movie industry
as a “di recto r “, “p roduce r ” and “investo r ” in seve ral di f fe rent movie p rojects, films and TV series.
“Bermuda”, “Pilot”, “Divorce Me Because of Cats”, “The Breathing Experience”, “Gilda”, “Wild nasturtium”, “Doubland”, “Story Cinema”, “The Alley”, “The Skin”, “Better than neil Armstrong”, “Parva”, “Yadoo”, “Motherless” and “Tree Hug” are among his activities.
Mesbah participated in the 38th, 39th,40th and 41th Fajr Filma Festival as the producer
of the films “Story Cinema”, “The Alley”, “Skin”, “Yadoo”,
“Motherless” and “Tree Hug”.
The films have been the recipient of various accolades and awards; winning a total of 34 nominations, 2 honorary diploma and 8 crystal simorghs, including the crystal simorgh for the best film for “Yadoo” and the crystal simorgh for the best art and experience film for the movie “Skin”. He was also nominated for Crystal Simorgh for the best sho rt film in the 38th Fajr Festival as the director of the film “The Alley”.